Default Configuration#

If config/config.yml does not exist, kumodd will create it, as shown below. The default column set is ‘normal’.

  gdrive_auth: config/gdrive_config.json
  oauth_id: config/gdrive.dat
  csv_prefix: ./filelist-
    - [status, 7]
    - [version, 7]
    - [fullpath, 66]
    - [status, 7]
    - [md5Match, 7]
    - [sizeMatch, 7]
    - [modTimeMatch, 7]
    - [accTimeMatch, 7]
    - [yamlMD5Match, 7]
    - [fullpath, 60]
    - [status, 7]
    - [md5Match, 7]
    - [sizeMatch, 7]
    - [modTimeMatch, 7]
    - [accTimeMatch, 7]
    - [yamlMD5Match, 7]
    - [md5Checksum, 32]
    - [yamlMetadataMD5, 32]
    - [fullpath, 60]
    - [status, 7]
    - ['owners[*].emailAddress', 20]
    - [fullpath, 50]
    - [name, 20]
    - [category, 4]
    - [status, 7]
    - [md5Match, 7]
    - [sizeMatch, 7]
    - [modTimeMatch, 7]
    - [accTimeMatch, 7]
    - [yamlMD5Match, 7]
    - [fullpath, 60]
    - [version, 6]
    - [revision, 8]
    - [ownerNames, 20]
    - [size, 9]
    - [modifiedTime, 24]
    - [createdTime, 24
    - [mimeType, 22]
    - [id, 44]
    - [lastModifyingUserName, 22]
    - [md5Checksum, 32]
    - [modifiedByMeTime, 24
    - [lastViewedByMeTime, 24]
    - [shared, 6]
    - [md5Checksum, 32]
    - [status, 7]
    - [name, 60]

    accTimeMatch: AccTimeOK
    app: Application
    appDataContents: App Data
    capabilities: Capabilities
    category: Category
    copyRequiresWriterPermission: CopyRequiresWriterPermission
    copyable: Copyable
    createdTime: Created (UTC)
    downloadUrl: Download
    editable: Editable
    embedLink: Embed
    explicitlyTrashed: Was Trashed
    exportLinks: Export
    fileExtension: EXT
    fullpath: Full Path
    headRevisionId: HeadRevisionId
    iconLink: Icon Link
    id: File Id
    kind: Kind
    labels: Labels
    lastModifyingUserName: Last Mod By
    lastViewedByMeTime: My Last View
    'lastModifyingUser.emailAddress': Last Mod Email
    local_path: Local Path
    md5Checksum: MD5 of File
    md5Match: MD5OK
    mimeType: MIME Type
    modTimeMatch: ModTimeOK
    modifiedByMeTime: My Last Mod (UTC)
    modifiedTime: Last Modified (UTC)
    name: Name
    originalFilename: Original File Name
    ownerNames: Owner
    owners: Owners
    'owners[*].emailAddress':  Owners
    parents: Parents
    path: Path
    quotaBytesUsed: Quota Used
    revision: Revisions
    selfLink: Self Link
    shared: Shared
    size: Size(bytes)
    sizeMatch: SizeOK
    spaces: Spaces
    status: Status
    trashed: In Trash
    user: User
    userPermission: User Permission
    version: Version
    webContentLink: Web Link
    writersCanShare: CanShare
    yamlMetadataMD5: MD5 of Metadata